Frequently Asked Questions
1. What makes you different than the other hunt planning sites out there?
There are a few things that make us different than the other hunt planning sites at your disposal. First is a lot of our tools, like our draw probability and hunt code idea generator, are free to use. A second big difference is our predictive tools are based on a data science technique called machine learning. It creates a lot of advantages over the typical statistical stuff other sites are doing. For instance, our draw probability has a time-based prediction to it, meaning it can account for things like point creep. There are a lot of other differences, but these are probably the main ones.
2. How does your draw probability tool work?
If you were to compare our data to other sites, you will see our numbers are actually a little different. This is because we don't just average all of the draw success data out there and spit a number out at you. Our data is fed into some pretty advanced machine learning models which can account for trends in data (e.g. preference points, point creep, residency allocation, and others) that statistical models just can't do. We would bet the numbers you get on our site using our tools are more accurate than those you would find elsewhere.
3. How does the hunt code generator work?
This is actually a really cool feature we have that nobody else is doing right now. Suppose you just really want to hunt this year but don't want to go into a crappy unit or season. We correlate the draw probability for your hunter status (pref. points, residency, etc.) to hunt codes where other hunters in the past have been the most successful harvesting the animals they are after. In other words, it provides hunt code ideas to put in the first choice on your application which maximize your chances of drawing that code AND harvesting the animal you're after. Just remember there is never a substitute for doing real boots-on-the-ground scouting. We just help you narrow it down to some great options.
4. Are you ever going to build a map tool?
Probably not. At least not in the near future. We personally use onX when we hunt and we just can't see competing with these guys. There are a lot of other things we want to do first, so maps is pretty much at the bottom of the priority list.
5. Are you going to build tools for other states?
Absolutely. This is currently being worked on. Colorado was one of the more challenging states to tackle so we thought we would get that done first. We already have the data needed from a lot of the other western states with draw systems so we can replicate the tools we built for Colorado.
6. Are you going to offer any gear?
Yeah, we like our logos too. The short answer is yes, but there will be a pre-order queue so we can figure out how much to make. We will likely start with hats and shirts, most of it functional in the backcountry.
7. Is there an email list or newsletter I can sign up for to receive updates on new site functionality?
Yes. Just enter your email into the appropriate spot on the "Contact Us" page and we will save your info for future updates. Just FYI, we hate it when other organizations sell our info and we end up getting a million marketing emails. We are not about that, and will never give your information to anyone.